It’s almost time for the release of the new Playstation 5 console. People are starting to speculate on the launch price. It is going be very interesting to see what Xbox and Playstation have in store for us in this next generation console battle. The price point is definitely going to be a considerable factor when choosing between the two. But for hardcore Playstation fans , such as myself, it is going to be no surprise when you see me walking out with one of those boys when they eventually hit the market. Provided my wallet supports me on my decision that is. I cannot wait for November. The release date is yet to be confirmed but there is a strong belief that the expected date is somewhere in November. I will drop another post closer to the time when we finally get our hands on the knitty gritty information.
-Posted - Tristan
Get a PC
-Posted - Brandon
Can’t wait to hear back from you!!!
-Posted - Aidan
Damn, it’s really going to be tough decision
-Posted - John
He cannot offer a specially formed artifical language for philosophy since, according to his dialectic of culture and spirit, philosophical knowledge must emerge from within the development of actual knowledge and cultural forms, and not as an artificial imposition upon them
-Posted - Tristan
-Posted - John